
Modern Slavery Statement 2022
Giejo Holdings Limited (formerly Giejo International Limited)

Modern Slavery Statement

At Alter Vapes, we are committed to ethical business practices and ensuring that modern slavery and human trafficking have no place in our operations or supply chains. We recognize the importance of protecting human rights and promoting fair labor practices throughout our organization.

Our Approach

Supplier Due Diligence

We conduct thorough due diligence on all suppliers to ensure they comply with our ethical standards. This includes assessing their labor practices, human rights policies, and adherence to local and international laws regarding slavery and human trafficking.

Employee Training

We provide regular training to our employees to raise awareness about modern slavery and human trafficking. This empowers them to identify and report any suspicious activities or behaviors.

Supplier Contracts

Our supplier contracts include clauses that require compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, including those related to slavery and human trafficking. We hold our suppliers accountable for upholding these standards.


We believe in transparency and openness regarding our efforts to combat modern slavery. We regularly communicate with stakeholders, including employees, suppliers, and customers, about our policies and actions in this area.

Our Policies

Labor Standards

We adhere to all applicable labor standards, including those outlined by the International Labour Organization (ILO). This includes respecting the rights of workers to fair wages, safe working conditions, and freedom from forced labor and exploitation.

Child Labor

We strictly prohibit the use of child labor in any aspect of our operations or supply chains. We conduct age verification checks and ensure that all employees and suppliers comply with laws prohibiting child labor.

Forced Labor

We do not tolerate any form of forced labor, including bonded labor, involuntary servitude, or human trafficking. We require suppliers to provide assurances that their employees work voluntarily and are not subject to coercion or exploitation.


We are committed to providing equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of race, gender, nationality, religion, or any other characteristic. We do not tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind.

Reporting Concerns

If you have any concerns about potential violations of our modern slavery policy, please report them immediately to [Contact Information]. We take all reports seriously and will investigate them promptly and thoroughly.


At Alter Vapes, we are dedicated to promoting ethical practices and ensuring that our operations and supply chains are free from modern slavery and human trafficking. We will continue to review and improve our policies and procedures to uphold the highest standards of corporate responsibility.